About me

My name is Katarzyna Bieniasz, I come from Rzeszow, Poland. I graduated from the Lviv National Academy of Arts, faculty: Art Restoration 2014. Later on, in 2014 decided to further my education on Postgraduate Study of Conservation, Architectural and Interior Design of Sacral Buildings in Cracow. In 20xx I earned my master’s degree at Art Faculty of Rzeszow University with a major in graphic design and graphic techniques. 

My passion for icon-painting was first sparked by artists from Lviv. They were the ones who introduced me to the fascinating art of icon painting. Initially, I was experimenting with copying the antique, 15/17 th century icons which belonged to the diversified collection of the Lviv National Museum. This exact experience initiated the great search for my own artistic style. Ever since then, the enchantment with icon painting was only growing. I’ve been researching technology and ancient Christian iconography, reproducing the old icons, exploring the nuances of composition and drawing.  Moreover, besides cultivating an old art, I also work on modern interpretations of Eastern religious images in the technique of yolk tempera.

Certainly, my activity regarding icon painting hasn’t stopped there. Over a few years I was taking part in numerous exhibitions either in Poland or abroad. In 2015 the series of my individual exhibitions was held successfully in Rzeszow, Krakow, Lublin.

On the top of my educational background, I actively participated in 5th International Icon-painting Plairair in Zamłynie (Ukraine 2015) as well as in 8th and 9th International Icon-painting Workshops in Nowica, Poland (2016, 2017). 

When it comes to my professional activity, since 2015 I’ve been successfully organizing and conducting icon painting workshops; it allowed me to re-discover and explore icon-painting from the position of a teacher as well as accepting commissions for paintings since 2010. Each order I treat as a new challenge and I approach it individually, even if my task is to repeat one of my previous icons. It gives me opportunity for growth, further exploration and as a result – creative fulfillment.


Series of individual expositions „IKONY”:

  • Poland, Rzeszów, „Pod Ratuszem” gallery: April 1 – 15, 2014 (…)
  • Lublin, Collegium Norwidianum: October 17 – November 5, 2014
  • Series of group exhibitions „Misericordia”:
  • Stary Sącz, Strefa Chwały Festiwal 3 – 6 July 2015,
  • Kraków, CK Ruczaj: September 17 – October 10, 2015

Series of exhibitions V. International Iconpainting Plainair in Zamłynie:

  • Ukraine, Lviv, National Museum: October 23 – November 15, 2015
  • Ukraine, Lutsk, Art Palace: November 20 – December 3, 2015 (…)

Series of exhibitions International Iconpainting Workshops w Nowicy:

  • Ukraine, Lviv, National Museum: October 14, 2016  – November 4, 2016
  • Poland, Warszawa, Warsaw University: January 26  – February 22, 2017
  • Belarus, Minsk: March 3 – 18, 2017…

Group exhibition Moderni ikonit:
Finland, Helsinki, Paavalin Kirkossa: November 19 – January 7, 2018

Group exhibition Sielun kuvat – Visions of the Soul:
Finland, Kerimäki, Kerimäen Kirkko: June 17 – August 12, 2018…